Thursday, September 10, 2009

10th September: 26 degrees in Adelaide

Today was a classic South Australian beauty, twenty six degrees, a light breeze and clear blue skies. I don't think Shirley believed me that we have great weather here, but now she has finally experienced some. I considered a dip in the pool but faltered!
Mel and Pen took the lunchtime shift with Simon today, they arrived armed to the teeth with goodies from the deli, and this evening I took some home-cooked grub. Simon has been quiet and not very interested in talking the last couple of days. I believe it is due to some drug that they are giving him, it must be too strong. I will talk to his doctor tomorrow about that, I would rather talk Simon through his problems than suppress his ability to talk altogether.
Managed to zip through some lecture preparation this morning and a student's research paper this afternoon. Also spoke with the council about the citizenship ceremony. They are going to try to fit me in to a private ceremony in October, I spoke to a very nice person who turned out to be the mayor! I was desperate to see Simon this evening having missed by lunchtime fix. People have been exhorting me to take a day off from visiting, but the truth is I miss him.
However, I'm going out tomorrow evening for the first time in several months. After our hospital visit I will drop Shirley home then drive up to McLaren Vale where I have an appointment with a tasty glass of Shiraz. I'll stay over with Mel and Pen at Hardy Avenue, then go pick Simon up for his home visit. I'd forgotten about having a social life. Must put that right.
Love Marian xx


  1. Hello Marian and Simon

    I was reading about New Shoes which morphed in '26 degrees in Adelaide' this must be the wonders of the wobbly web. As always it is good to read about the small milestones which make up the road to recovery. The blogs also poignantly remind me that some days are better than others.

    Mithras is going through one of its moving phases in which crates predominate. I am at home marking, somehow as I grow older my marking becomes slower and more reflective - I thought it was meant to speed up. I am going to see 65DaysofStatic tonight at a club called Digital - I hadn't a clue where it was. It transpires it is what we used to call the Zap. Everything


  2. Hi Marian and Simon

    I am just back from ALT-C in Manchester, where I hooked up with many old friends of Simons... Sue Greener of corse (she and I had a paper in), Piers and Steve Wheeler - both with lots to say about ya! Steve W is gonna be in Au next autumn, and sounds ripe for a 'come visit email next summer' :-) He and I had a one of those excellent post dinner talks - which ranged through philosophers and writers at a rate of notts, which both of you would have enjoyed.

    It was fantastic to speak to Simon, this morning, and tell him some of the 'off piste' news from ALT-C.

    Have a great weekend at home && M - good on ya, ofr getting out for a glass of wine, it is vital!!

    asher (n Mitch) x
