Sunday, August 9, 2009

9th August: Mel has landed

Mel landed in Adelaide today, so pleased to see her, she hasn't changed a bit, still full of beans. Simon is delighted, now he has a shopping ally.... Shirley and I went off to the hossie this afternoon, an easy drive on Sundays. Simon had managed to keep hold of his baby PC, I think he has to defend it from certain nurses who are prone to confiscating things - as if he is a naughty schoolchild. I plan to take some people to task tomorrow about some of the reports I have been getting from Simon. He gets assessed for rehab again tomorrow, and was worrying about his 'exam'. That is the way he is treating it, and asking questions like: what type of questions will they ask me? how will I know the results? what happens if I fail? do I get a re-sit? I did say to Simon that he is answering questions very well, especially when given choices to select from. I also face an exam tomorrow, my Australian Citizenship Test! I have studied the book "How to become an Australian" and tried to memorise all the dates and facts therein. I will ask Shirley to give me a quick test this evening. Once I have passed this test I can apply for Australian Citizenship, and I hope that will put me in a better position to protect Simon. Of course, the first thing that will happen is that I will get called up for jury duty. Hope its a fraud case, I love those.
Simon expressed a desire to sell and replace his whole CD collection! We have around 5000 CDs. Truth is I wouldn't part with any of it, so we will just have to double the space for his collection. Time to investigate the space in the loft... Melanie has heroically offered to put his CD collection into alphabetical order - you've got the job, Mel.
Shirley has been reading to Simon, he likes this. She had read some George Pelecanos (better than me because I can't do the American accent), also some articles from a music magazine. When you see them alone together, you can sense the closeness and the love between them.
Simon remembered my name today for the first time in my presence. That's a relief. It is often difficult for him to find the right words for things. Today he wanted the hand-sanitiser lotion, but it came out at 'hamburger'. Nearly there. Fingers crossed for his assessment tomorrow.
Please, if you visit in the evening, write your name on the notebook inside Simon' s locker. We have had some strange reports from Simon about people visiting that he does not know. We had a complete stranger the other night and I am worried about this.
Love Marian xxx


  1. Hi
    The questions they ask are all common sense, but they will frequently drop back to things like 'do you know what day it is?' Do you remeber me asking...?' 'What time is it?' They drop these in at random times, along with harder ones, like 'how long have you been here?' 'who is that man over there?' 'do you feel frightened'

    And they have this damned annoying habit of running their pan along the bottom of your feet. Most uncomfortable.

    All in all though, I thisk Simon will do well.

  2. Good luck Simon - your library/ KM students are thinking of you
