Wednesday, August 26, 2009

26th August: Chuck another prawn on the barbie

Simon's ward put on a barbecue at lunch time today, he was very pleased - a snag and a beefburger, potato salad and veggies. Apparently Simon got a large portion as a reward for doing so well in his therapies. He scored some kind of success today, but I couldn't make out what it was - I know that he has been practicing standing, and think he may have managed to take a step. Whatever it was, he was mighty pleased with himself. Simon now routinely transports himself about the ward by pushing and steering his wheelchair with his left foot. Everybody is impressed with his motivation. We've been having a bit of an up and down with the respiratory doctor who wants Simon back on the breathing mask at night. Last night Simon refused and was very upset. They have agreed to give him a break for a week and to look for a more comfortable mask for him. There is some good kit produced in the USA, we may have to fork out for this ourselves but it may be worth it. I took our own picnic in for dinner this evening, Quiche Lorraine, Greek Salad, Strawberries and Yoghurt. So a good eating day.
The OTs come to our house in the morning to assess its suitability. Fingers crossed that we get approval to bring Simon home for his short visits at weekends, it means so much.
I was up at McLaren Vale this morning, dropped in on Mel and Pen in their new pad, it is already looking like home even with just a few sticks of furniture. The Vale is beautiful, I think it likely that we will move there if we can find the right land/property.
We finally got our insurance company to cough up for the repairs to Simon's car, they are very quick to take your premiums and oh so slow to process a claim, wriggling like babies. However, I am learning a lot about how to take on these big bad boys.
Hope your weather is better than ours - lashing rain and high winds. The cat is scared to go out of his catflap because the wind blows it back in his face! When he does go out he is regularly chased back in again by something menacing: hairy caterpillars, palm fronds, magpies - so much to contend with he is quite exhausted and has to sleep most of the day....
Love Marian x


  1. Hi Marian and Simon,
    Malcolm and I are very happy with Simon's speedy recovery and the new place seems well suited to Simon needs.

    Malcolm visited RAH after the day Simon was transfered. Malcolm brought a capuccino for Simon on that day. Don't worry it didn't get wasted, one of the nurse was so happy to recieved the capuccino. Also, our big apology for not visiting Simon. Malcolm hasn't (health issues) been well and one of our friend who was hospitalized in RAH the same time as Simon, lost his battle with brain tumor today, we were ready but its still affect us greatly especially to Malcolm as he feels that he lost a dear friend - his the 1st person who understand complicated numbers, black hole and string theories (I am no good with this type of theories)and the second person is Simon who understand Malcolm's enthusiam of AI.

    See you soon and say hi for me to Shirley.

  2. Marian
    it is lovely to catch up on Simon and your news, after a few days away. Will you tell Simon we went to Stan Nichols (of Forbidden Planet) 60th birthday party. Mitch won the bingo twice.

    Great to hear my man is getting home, and hope the OT approves the facilities. Do you have a ramp up to the bed? (or do I mis-understand the offer to give Shirl ten bob to pop off to the pix? :-)

    Will you give my love to Margaret, it must be scary what she has been thru. Does she know teh old prince buster, skinhead reggae classic 'al capone'? It has the refrain 'don't call me scartace!'

    love from mitch n asher

  3. Hi - I'm Simon's to post a comment thanks to my computer guru...Asher! Just wanted to say a big 'thank you' to all of you who have visited Simon, or posted encouraging comments or are simply following Marian's excellent blog.

    Asher - re the Butch Hancock evening, I remembered that Butch was accompanied on that tour by the delightful singer of Arcadian/Cajun folk songs, Marce Lacouture who gave us a tape of her latest songs during the evening. I remembered how Simon had loved those songs...found her on the web and ordered her latest compilation, which Simon really enjoyed listening to, and I have to say that Marce looked wonderful in the accompanying pictures - younger than when we met her!! No mean feat considering that it must have been some 25 years ago that we met!!

    The Occ Therapist has just left the just wondering what to do with my ten bob this weekend??!!

    Love and thanks to you all.


  4. Well this is all sounding terrific and with Simon propelling himself around with the good leg will only stimulate the blood flow and keep things working - I was wondering why he had such a hunger of late and this is probably why. Good one. A fantastic recovery happening here, and Shirley I hope you are well as it can be a large strain seeing your children suffer..take care and God bless.


  5. Hey Shirl, you are a wonder - I love that you are posting blog comments and ordering obscure (though beautiful) music online. I remember Marce, she is a gerat singer, and had a nice 'softening' impact on Butch. A colleague of mine saw Butch play at the barbican last month!

    As to what to do with ten bob... Spending choices are never easy, don't let the big sums go to your head.... Appro-pros of nuffink, when I was six, my great aunt Rotha Knox took me for lunch at Derry and Tom's roof garden, which I know, yo know well... She gave me a ten shilling note as a gift, and in my fiscal ignorance, I said "TEN POUNDS!!! I can buy an action man now" to which there was an embarressed silence :-)



    PS - can I tell the tale here of Simon's design input at the Derry and Tom's building regarding the womens' changing rooms?
