Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day Five: onto the ward

Simon's mum Shirley arrived at 6am, and we drove straight from the airport to see Simon. He was still in intensive care, and had had a restless night. However, he knew Shirley, and held her hand. They were both very tired so we came home for a while. Later I was informed that Simon would be going out to the ward which is great news, far less restrictions.

We saw him again in the evening, and he was awake and alive and kicking (literally). Very verbal with fantastic efforts at speech including some words and phrases that I could recognise. He definitely said 'Shirley', it came out as 'urly' but close enough for me to pick it up. He has started to give me thumbs up when he agrees with a suggestion e.g. talking books. In fact at one stage he was very agitated and I picked up the phrase 'I just want something to read'. No real interest in the Ipod except that he seemed to want to take it apart, I think he may have it confused with his mobile phone. Similarly, the wrist band on his hand - he looks at this as if it is a watch, so I tell him the time whenever he looks at that. I will take his phone and watch today, perhaps he is worrying where they have got to. If anyone gets an odd phone call, it could well be Simon, so don't hang up straight away!

Shirley has had a good long sleep, so I am hoping she will be well rested. Skippy (our cat) was pleased to see her, although he misses Simon and looks for him everywhere.

We continue to pass on good wishes and messages each day, and Simon often responds to your names. Thanks for the support from everybody.

Marian x


  1. Sounds promising, Hopefully Simon will continue "finding the connections that arn't there." He'll know what I mean

  2. The talking books sound an excellent idea. I know the girls used to have them travelling or bedtime. Ronnie has even sneaked them into the Bank of England when he's in early working. I'm sure once you start sourcing them, you'll come across all sorts as they must be used especially for the visually impaired. The blogs i've read seem to show that there's improvement each day, which is great. Keep it up Simon. Hope you are looking after yourself too Marian !!

    Helen x
