Monday, October 12, 2009

October 12th: Reviewing abstracts

Off to work (Shelly's birthday, they were all having cake lucky things), Shelly proclaimed that she would rather be at work than having a day off for her birthday because she loves Flinders so much. Told you, Flinders rocks; I'm not making it up. Then off to rehab for Simon's lunch. He was having a speech therapy session, so I was despatched for coffees. Am a bit fed up that the speech therapist makes him do the speech therapy in his bedroom because of the MRSA, she said that she would otherwise have to wipe down her room. I thought she should wipe it down anyway. He only gets to touch the table and a pencil. It is not good that he is being confined to his room in this way. I will take him outside as much as I can. The weather was nasty today. Margaret joined us for lunch and brought Simon two new fleeces that we had ordered from the Blokes Shop. She also took the precaution of buying him a toasted sandwich - just as well, his lunch was not appetising.
This evening we worked through 75 abstracts for the journal, and shortlisted 16. We will work on it again tomorrow to get this down to 10.
Spent the last half-hour on Deal or No Deal, the guy was a wicked gambler and won the car. Never seen that before.
I have written to the Swifts (netball team) to ask them where I can find a poster for Simon's room.
Returned home to a call re the termite inspection. All probably OK, but something to check in the bathroom wall which is damp - termites love damp wood, they get to eat and drink at the same time. Gerry has agreed to come and look at this on Wednesday and I am hoping to spring Simon from rehab to come look at the place at the same time. We will go armed with a ramp and bits of handy wood to make sure we can get Simon into the house. I hope that he likes it. While in the Vale, I will see if we can book a restaurant for Wednesday evening, that will round off our day nicely.
Marian x


  1. Simon has made wonderful progress and looks very much like his old self. I am so pleased for you both and I am sure that you will have some great times in your new home when it is ready.

    Best Wishes


  2. Hi Simon and Marian.
    I'm back from oblivion and happy to see Simon's progress. I haven't read the blog or commented for a while because I have been undergoing a nasty depression and didn't want to bring us all down.
    As I say that, I remember that two of my friends have cancer at the moment and one has just passed on.
    Anyway, Jelina has been keeping me posted on your posts and given a little more time would love to visit.


  3. Welcome back, Malcolm. You and Jelina come to our home one weekend, bring the kids and the dogs! Marian
