Friday, October 30, 2009

30th October: Home early

Arrived before 9am for Simon's swimming session, only to find him outside very dejected. It had been cancelled. I went in to investigate. There had been a burst water main and most of the hospital was without water. Disastrous, they couldn't even flush the loos. Margaret joined me and we took Simon for a cuppa and tried to cheer him up. This was hard, he had been so looking forward to his swim today.
I went off to work but couldn't keep my mind on anything and it was very hot today. So I went home thinking I'll have a dip in the pool, cool off and try again. I rang the Rehab, still no water and they were considering evacuating. I decided that was enough and said I would like to take him home, they agreed, and here we are. I didn't get my dip in the pool, but maybe tomorrow when Simon isn't looking.

I managed to 'shower' Simon in a chair in the garden using a watering can of warm water ( I have to stand on a foot stool to get the height). Anyone looking over the fence would have thought this very bizarre but it was the only way I could think of. Well it worked, he is fresh and clean which he wasn't when I picked him up. I pity anyone staying on Rehab this weekend, nobody has showered or washed all day. We had a nice meal sitting on the patio. Now Simon is resting in his favourite chair with the TV and his beloved cat. So far we have managed several 'transfers' from the wheelchair without difficulty. Fingers crossed. This weekend we plan nothing more adventurous than eating on the patio and lolling around the house. Life is just as it should be.

Love Marian x


  1. Have a great weekend, both of you.


  2. Hi Marian,
    Have been keeping up with your blog. It's good to hear that Simon is coming along in leaps and bounds. Would add my support to you producing a book from this. Have a nice and relaxing weekend.
    Love Jennyx
