Saturday, April 17, 2010

17th April: Simon is home

Just a quick update today. Simon discharged himself from the hospital yesterday, he could take no more. He is home and happy. The next week is a bit challenging because we have no physio or carer support but I can do some work with him and hope it will be enough to keep him ticking over.

Love Marian x


  1. good for him :-) and good to hear you managed to avoid the roo - my sister lives in Perth and has often told me horror stories from her local highway.

    love to Simon

    Diane (Sussex - for the moment!)

  2. Hi Simon and Marian,
    no carer? That's silly, what do we pay medical expenses and insurance for?

    We have no doubt that you will see your way through it all, we and your other friends are ready to help however we can.

    Roos are exciting, I saw one that took out a Volkswagen once. Wrote it off. Must pay attention in the dark.

    What is on your 'CD must have' list Simon? I've just discovered this virtual collaboration/live performance/group called Gorillaz. Apparently they've been around a while. Just took me a while to get there.

    How about we change our A.I. project to make a cluster of A.I.'s into a performance group? Then we can make some cash out of it too!

    stay well

    keep in touch, as shall we.

  3. Don't worry about the change of name to Martin,
    I cant remember my google account details, so am using this old fake one which I can remember.
