Wednesday, August 19, 2009

19th August: Sharing and caring

A busy and productive day for Simon. He had three therapy appointments, plus a visit from a Justice of the Peace to sign his power of attourney documents (which he did without any problem). Simon and I met with the speech therapists for about 40 minutes this morning, they are very nice people. We talked about setting goals for Simon. His stated objectives are to be able to return to writing 5000 word articles and editing a journal, reading novels and commenting on technical documents, and speaking normally. While this may sound ambitious I have confidence that he will be able to do this. There is no impact whatsoever on Simon's level of intelligence, so where there is a will we will find a way. One solution that cropped up was that I might serve as Simon's emmanuensis for a while - he gives me the ideas, the concepts, and unique linkages and insights, then I write it up and we discuss whether my interpretation is what he intended. I think this could work. Liking this suggestion, Simon, typically insisted that I should share the publication credits....
Simon enjoyed a nice lunch of roast beef salad, and particularly liked the beetroot which is so typically Aussie. Beetroot is part of the nation's staple diet. It came as rather a surprise when his evening meal turned out to be roast beef salad with beetroot again. Simon declared this to be ridiculous and sent me out for a take-away (could only find a sausage roll). Someone must have stuffed up the menus today, hope it wasn't me. Simon donated his orange to me this evening. It was the only thing that he had. I will treasure it.
During lunch Simon was visited by our doctor friend, his wife and baby. It was great to see them, and Simon was thanking the doctor so much - he believes he had something to do with springing him from the stroke ward (possible).
There were some fresh flowers by Simon's bed today, thank you for whoever brought those. He does love his flowers and cards (thanks Mike, your card went down well with Simon, not sure how many nurses we've offended....).
Shirley has been diligently sewing flies into all of Simon's jogging trousers, beautiful work. Now he has demanded the trouser legs cut off just below the knee, so Shirley has to start all over again....
Our brother-in-law, Gerry is coming on Friday to fit ramps around the place so that Simon can come home. This might not be in time for the occupational therapists to do a home visit and give formal approval re safety, so if we do take him out at the weekend it may have to be to a disabled friendly restaurant/cafe, or even the shopping centre. At least somewhere where he can be free of the boredom of a weekend in hospital.
I am away to Sydney tomorrow morning, back Friday evening. I will get in to see Simon on my way to and from the airport, and have arranged for family to visit both days. If any colleagues could get into see Simon tomorrow evening that would be great. The address is: Rehab A, Repat Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park. If anyone from UniSA does visit could you have a quick look at Simon's mini-pc and see if it is alright - he does a lot of clicking opening multiple windows and that can make the pc a bit cranky and clutters the screen. You will know what I mean when you see it. Just try to close everything back to its folders, or dump it all into a new folder called e.g. "sweep 20th August".
All good today, love Marian x


  1. Hi Marian

    Cheery greetings from one of your many readers. Not much to say, other than how impressed I am by Simon's continuing progress (... and your blog). In the light of where you were a few weeks ago it seems amazing that you can be writing about Simon producing 5000 word articles and editing a journal, reading novels and commenting on technical documents as realistic goals. Wow!

    Take care of yourself and the man.

    Love, Tom

  2. Irie Marian
    hope you are having a nice change of pace in Sidney. I spoke to Simon for quite a while on Thursday evening. He was very clear and we covered a range of topics. I will try again this arvo :-)
