Monday, August 10, 2009

10th August: 100%

I went for my citizenship test this morning and scored 100%. It was a lot of queueing up for not very sensible reasons. A good number of my co-examinees failed the test and have to take a re-sit. We were asked a lot about voting procedures - now, if you are not an Australian citizen, you are not allowed to vote, so without this experience it is quite difficult for a person to answer questions about it. I am from a democracy, but many migrants have no experience of this. Unfair if you ask me. Other questions were about the national anthem, responsibilities of citizenship, and Australian values including the official meaning of the 'fair go'.
Simon was up and ready for his exam today, he sat out in his chair for around six hours, desperate to impress his assessors. They failed to show up.... I am so disappointed for him, and worried that he will be too tired to repeat the exercise tomorrow when they may, or may not show up. I will try to speak with these rehab people tomorrow and tell them their story. The good news is that I may be allowed to take Simon out in a wheelchair tomorrow. I have been told to source some clothes that are easy to wear but not pyjamas. I will arrive at the hospital with a complete wardrobe. If this happens it will be the first breath of fresh air that he has had in five weeks. I plan to take him to the botanic park where there is a cafe (now under restoration after a vandal incident). They are very accustomed to patients from the hospital visiting and have good facilities. I have marked Simon on the Barthel Index at 30, doubled from my last count. His dysphasia I assess as moderate, not severe, and I am very encouraged by his writing. There is a notepad that the speech therapist has been using with him. In his own writing I have seen his name, my name, his year of birth, and his country.
I have arranged for Simon to have a haircut on Wednesday afternoon, if he agrees I will take his photograph then and try to post it on this site. He has lost a lot of weight, perhaps more than two stones, and his face is boyish again.
Someone has left a black sweatshirt behind at the hospital. If it is yours, please pick it up soon otherwise they will give it to the Salvos.
Shirley travelled by taxi today, we were on different shifts, am expecting her home soon, then off again to the podiatrist.
Mel has had a look at Hardy Avenue, her new home and approves. I am hoping that she will bring her artistic touches to the place, it is in need of that.
Love Marian x


  1. Hey Marian, congratz on the top score, Not that I am suprised, I have heard about how highly you 'scored' on your PhD.

    I hope Simon does not get too stressed about his test. A walk in the park and a haircut are certainly things to help reduce that. I sat in the 'park'/Square at Marine Square on Friday, and thought about the coffees he and I used to enjoy at out there so frequently...

    Shout if you need any help uploading the picture, I love the idea of seeing his face.


  2. Hi Simon and Marian
    that is really good news for both of you and I know with Simon's determination he will get 100% as well. I am glad that he will get to be outside - nothing worse than being cooped up. He was never one for being in the office for long so fully understand his excitement of being rid of the walls! I still can't quite shake this bug but as I said to you at the train station give my love to Simon please. Quite a lot of the staff have asked after him and Andy said that he may pop in to see him again.
    When my Dad had his three strokes they tended to treat him like a child which was very upsetting for all especially when it is your Dad being told off as you say like naughty school boy - there is never any dignity in illness.

    Love to all from Moira
