Monday, August 17, 2009

17th August: New routines

I managed to fit in three trips to the hospital today, one on the way to work, one at lunchtime, and then the evening shift. It is only 12 minutes each way from my workplace. It was useful to get an understanding of the routine developing around Simon, also managed to help him out of a couple of scrapes. At lunchtime, I found him wedged in his wheelchair between his bed and the TV stand as he tried to make his way to the bathroom independently. I was pleased to see him attempting this, but not easy for him. There were several therapy appointments with different specialists, and Simon was quite upbeat about those describing some of his exercises.
Simon is attempting to use his laptop, a bit hit and miss. Today I found that he had managed to create desktop shortcuts to just about every file on the computer, and then multiples of those. The screen was lit up like a xmas tree. I managed to clean it up to just a few icons, but I expect to see it in a similar pickle tomorrow.
I spoke with a doctor this morning, and think that I have managed to persuade him to give permission for a brief home visit this weekend. Fingers crossed. Thanks to Jacquie for tips on local hostelries, I will reccy them and see if they have good access.
Love Marian xx


  1. Here's a quickie that Simon might like:

  2. Hello Marian, Simon et al

    I was pleased to read about the great escape and subsequent progress, they are significant milestones on your road to recovery. Marian - I do hope you are not overdoing it, although I appreciate how trite that sounds sat here in sunny Saltdean.

    New Routines - or the same old patterns? It may amuse you both to hear that on the 1st Sept they begin building some new teaching space on the first floor of Mithras - somethings never change!

