Up early, checked the Hammers result (fair) then whipper-snipped the grass verge. Pesky job, the line keeps breaking and you have to stop and reset it every 3 minutes. Serves me right for buying the cheap strimmer from Bunnings (B&Q for you poms).
This is the photo that I was trying to put up yesterday. Here we see Simon and George being loaded into the Access Taxi. I usually sit beside Simon. Look at the colour of George, brown as a berry - he is a farmer, from country Australia.
We had a public holiday today (Labour Day), and I was able to bring Simon home for the afternoon. We watched "The Chant of Jimmy Blacksmith" - more violent than I had expected despite reading the book decades ago. I know that Kennealy has been roundly criticised for this work, but it still taught me some things.
We had a nice meal using veg from the garden, then time for Simon and Shirley to say farewell. This was tearful and choking. I am mindful of Jelina's comment on yesterday's post, in Ngarrindjeriwe culture they don't say "goodbye", they say "see you later...".
See you later, Shirley.
We are now exactly three months into Simon's Journey. I reflect on that terrible night three months ago, and thank God that Simon has been saved. Simon does not always see it that way, but I know that the rest of you do.
Love Marian x
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