Today I became an Australian Citizen, no longer a pom, and will be cheering for the home side next ashes series. Do not worry, I am still a hammers supporter - there are no rules against that, even Obama supports West Ham (hopeless optimists we are). Today's picture shows me with the Mayor of Holdfast Bay receiving my precious certificate. That's 'going straight to the pool room'. Wonder how many poms will get that reference! Now I am just showing off my Ozzie credentials and must stop it.
Got to rehab at 8am to get Simon ready for his long day out. It was my first experience of getting Simon up, washed, dressed, shaved, breakfast from start to finish. Quite challenging actually, and an insight into the extent of help that I am going to need when Simon comes home. However, we got away on time and arrived at Glenelg very early so whiled away some time in a cafe. It was so nice just to be a couple in a cafe on a Saturday morning. I have resolved to do more of that type of thing, and it seems that Glenelg is a good destination for us - excellent wheelchair access. We would love to live there but the prices are well outside our range. Also discovered that it is possible to get the wheelchair onto the tram which takes us right into Adelaide, now we are rocking. Plenty of venues and CD shops and high end gear that Simon wants to get his hands on!
I digress. From the cafe to the Town Hall for the Citizenship Ceremony - all very nicely done. We had my sister Margaret, her husband Gerry, my nieces Melanie and Penny, Shirley, and Marg Stovall. Marg works with me and I was so made up that she turned out for me today. Marg, you are a trooper, and thank you so much for the lovely present.
We all gathered in a magnificent council chamber, red carpet everywhere. I stood to take the oath, received my certificate from the Mayor, and that was about it. Except that it was really a very emotional thing to be accepted as a citizen of this lucky country. I feel very proud to be an Australian today.
After the ceremony, we went to a cafe. Simon did a quick detour to the CD shop with Mel, then onto lunch at the Dublin Pub. They were really excellent. Good food and service, easy access, just very nice. We were very relaxed. Then my phone rang. The estate agent. Our offer on the house in Mclaren Vale is accepted! Can this week get any better?
Simon and I spent a little more time shopping then home for the afternoon. He snoozed under the front verandah while I mowed the lawn. A spot of tea, then back to rehab for a well earned rest for Simon. He was exhausted, happy, but desperate to get home permanently. It will soon come, my Simon.
Love Marian x
PS we have an unexpected day off on Monday (I never remember the public holidays), so Simon can come home three days in a row.
Congratulations Aussie, I take it we call you Sheila from now! Give our love to Bruce!
ReplyDeleteWith Love
David & Gail
Congratulations Marian on becoming an Australian citizen. Sorry to lose you. I hope they appreciate what they are getting!
ReplyDeleteBest Wishes