Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7th 2010

I think it is just a year since Simon came home from the hospital. People say that time flies. This time it is the opposite. We have struggled through every day. Pleased to say that it has been worth it. All of the things that I was warned about: falls, injuries, bedsores, infections, depression, pain. These have happened. Simon has dealt with all of it, and he is coming through like a real trooper. Some of you knew he would and we thank you for your encouragement.

We finished with the BIRCH team last week, and have to wait to begin with Spingboard in the city in January. In the meantime I have hired a private physio for Simon and she has been fantastic. She has been working on Simon's arm where everyone else had ignored it. I asked him to put his arm out and move a cup yesterday - with massive effort, and mainly from the shoulder he managed to move the cup. This is priceless. Some of you may remember the post where I reported that Simon had asked for his arm to be amputated.

Simon has started to listen to some talking books that Dave sent a while ago. They are all set in Brighton so he has been reminiscing about all of his old haunts. I wonder if any of the old haunts are still going? We know things have been very bad in the UK and hope that the good pubs have survived. At least the Bugle.

We were so sad to hear about Mike Barber. I can only smile when I think of him. I hope he goes to heaven.

Then we heard about Gerry, and we just know that you guys are looking after Trish. We send our love and our prayers.

Marian xx


  1. Way to go, Simon...well done! And bless you Marian for your continued care, support and faith in Simon's determination to recover. Much love and good luck with the new programme.

  2. Great news about Simon's continued recovery. The physio sounds just the job. It's been quite an eventful year all round. I can report that The Bugle is still going strong and so are most of the pubs in Hanover. Off to the Napier pub quiz this evening - someone has to support local business. Wishing you both a very merry Christmas and all good wishes for 2011.
    Love Jennyx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Marian & Simon. Not only are the pubs in Brighton doing well but the whole country is galvanized in opposition to the CODEM cuts. Thousands of people have already started to protest and smash the place up. Just wait until the Spring next year - you aint seen nothing next. Remember the Poll Tax! Have a great Christmas.

    Glad to hear that Simon in still getting functionality back after over a year. She must be hot stuff that physiotherapist!

  5. Hi Marian & Simon,
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you all the best and prosperous New Year.

    Kind regards,
    Jelina, Malcolm & Marlon
