Monday, August 30, 2010

30th August: Rosy knees

Spring is upon us and Simon has decided it is time to change into shorts! Having spent most of his day in the garden he has a wonderful pair of rosy red knees. We got into gardening at the weekend - more veggies: tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, and far too many chili plants. We are in a contest with our friend, Kerry, to see who can grow the first zucchini from the same seed packet - this could get more competitive than Tenantry Down Allotment Association. We are harvesting spuds and so much broccoli. I have discovered that Broccoli and Blue cheese soup is delicious, and has the added benefit of being a super-food.

Simon is working on a powerpoint that he will present to speech therapy students at Flinders University later this year. Also working on a paper with Matthew G-C on issues concerned with the preservation of archives in low-lying pacific nations. This has been a very interesting project for all of us, and Matthew is making great strides as an early career researcher.

Have just completed the first round of assessment with my Management students at Flinders. I am so pleased to see them engaging and performing well at this early stage. I love them to bits.

Will post some pictures on our Wedding Anniversary.

Love Marian xx


  1. The thought of all those vegatables sounds fantastic, hope there will still be some left in April, which is when Mitch and me hope to visit next.

    Look forwards to the anniversary pics



  2. mmm.. Broccoli and Blue cheese soup.

  3. Just suddenly thought of you both, not sure why. Glad to hear that Simon is finding things to do that are stimulating despite all the frustrations you must be both experiencing - bugger about the wheelchair. Tell Simon I'm back in techie land - working at Fujitsu, heavily involved in cloud computing. That should make him smile wryly!
