Wednesday, July 22, 2009

22nd July: Regaining control of the TV Remote

I have never bothered to fight Simon for the TV remote, we just bought another TV, it saved heaps of arguments. Today he wrested control of his own TV remote in the hospital and spent quite some time flicking through all of the channels. Occasionally he would stop and watch something - he was quite taken by a programme about urban snakes. Simon listened to a little bit of music, Carla Bruni singing in French, and began to take an interest in his Ipod.
We took some lunch in for him, home cooked cauliflower cheese, and a tuna sandwich. Most popular was the sugar-free cream soda (an outrageous pink colour). I took the precaution of de-gassing it first.
His doctors came by today, woke him from a deep sleep and proceeded to fire questions and commands at him. Poor Simon could not keep up with them, and it looked for all the world as if he could not communicate. I know that he can and does, but the senior doctor (about fourteen years old) decided he is a 'stage 2' whatever that means. Day will come when Simon will show he can wipe the floor with these guys.....
Love Marian x


  1. P.S I asked Simon how old he was. He said 34. Suits me, always wanted a toy boy!

  2. Yes it's frightening how young policemen and doctors look these days. 34! BAH my left foot!

    and the band played believe it if you like.....

    Best Wishes

  3. I agree,
    I have one 'specialist' I have to see regularly who looks about 15. Beautiful, but still 15. I couldn't believe her when she said 28!

    Todays magic verification word is 'wriner'
