I smuggled some Glucosamine into Skippy's food this morning and he ate the lot! Thank heavens, I was worried when I saw Gail's hilarious posting. If it is this easy he will be living up to his name in no time.
Found Simon sitting outside in his wheelchair this morning, he had obviously gone 'walk-about', and is doing quite a lot of that now. There was more good news on the physio front, Simon is to be allowed to stand up to get on the shower chair and the loo, so no more lifting in the gantry. This really encouraged him, the gantry is a wonderful invention (pictured here) but it makes you feel so helpless.
I shared another therapy session with Si this morning, this time we looked at his digital scrapbook (the journal). It was quite interesting, there were a lot of photos of him in action, in the gym, the OT room, and relaxing with family. There were some good snaps from our wedding anniversary. Funny thing is that Simon always hated having his photo taken, now he seems to pose for the camera at every opportunity! The journal also has some data on his recovery showing various assessments and the level of improvement over time. Personally, I think this is potentially a powerful tool if used well. When I asked Simon what he had thought of the journal session, he said it was OK, but he would rather have been working (i.e. writing, reading) and thought it was a low priority activity. I will give them that feedback.
The ward held their monthly BBQ again today, Simon got two helpings of snags and burgers. Margaret and Gerry joined us for lunch, and we talked a lot about buying houses. I am going to see one in Willunga on Friday with Gerry (who is a retired builder); the hospital are loaning me a wheelchair to test the access to the house. I can even get Gerry to sit in it for a proper simulation. If we like the look of it, we will take Simon up to see what he thinks. I will try to see two other properties on Saturday morning.
We briefly spoke with one of Simon's doctors today, he is going to set up an MRI scan at Flinders in a couple of weeks time so that we can find out more about what caused the stroke. The doctor wanted to know if Simon was claustrophobic because of having to go into the tunnel. Simon said "no" while I said "yes". A brief debate ensued at the end of which Simon declared that he was categorically not claustrophobic. Another major change.
The dietician phoned me this morning, we discussed the menu problems - very often they only have chicken on the menu and Simon won't eat this. She is arranging for either fish or an omelette on 'chicken days' from now on. Most of these developments arise out of our team meeting yesterday, so this was very productive.
Mel and Pen came to blitz the house this afternoon, it looks fabulous. Thanks girls, and thanks to Rachael for the lovely shepherds pie.
Back to the hospital for the evening shift, Simon was in very good spirits when I left him. I think the news that he may soon be discharged has really lifted him.
Love Marian x